Showing 26 - 50 of 120 Results
Scotch Ancestors of William Mckinley, President of the United States by Claypool, Edward A., Duke, ... ISBN: 9781613931011 List Price: $15.00
Early Rhode Island : A Social History of the People by Weeden, William B., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930601 List Price: $26.50
Book of Remarkable Criminals by Irving, H. B., Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613930755 List Price: $20.00
Copy of the Record of Deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Massachusetts : From the Histori... by Blodgett, George B., Duke, ... ISBN: 9781613930946 List Price: $17.00
Georgia : Giving the Results of the Experience of Actual Settlers from Other States and Coun... by Janes, Thomas P., Duke, Jes... ISBN: 9781613930960 List Price: $16.00
Complete Copy of the Inscriptions Found on the Monuments, Headstones, &C. in the Oldest Ceme... by Van Hoosear, David H., Duke... ISBN: 9781613930977 List Price: $17.00
Barker Genealogy : Giving the Names and Descendants of Several Ancestors Who Settled in the ... by Parshall, James C., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930991 List Price: $15.00
Will Records of Saratoga. County, New York (1796-1805) by Elsberry, Elizabeth Prather... ISBN: 9781613931028 List Price: $16.00
Wills of George Washington and His Immediate Ancestors by Ford, Worthington Chauncey,... ISBN: 9781613931035 List Price: $24.00
Fathers of the Constitution : A Chronicle of the Establishment of the Union by Farrand, Max, Duke, Jessica... ISBN: 9781613931042 List Price: $20.00
Eve of the Revolution : A Chronicle of the Breach with England by Becker, Carl, Duke, Jessica... ISBN: 9781613931059 List Price: $20.00
War with the United States by Wood, William, Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613931066 List Price: $16.00
Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England : Showing Three Generations of ... by Savage, James, Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613930649 List Price: $50.00
Handbook of Old Burial Hill - Plymouth, Massachusetts : Its History, Its Famous Dead and Its... by Perkins, Frank H., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930656 List Price: $15.00
Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England : Showing Three Generations of ... by Savage, James, Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613930625 List Price: $45.00
Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England : Showing Three Generations of ... by Savage, James, Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613930632 List Price: $45.00
Jefferson and His Colleagues : A Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty by Johnson, Allen, Duke, Jessi... ISBN: 9781613930687 List Price: $18.00
Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia by Hewatt, Alexander, Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930694 List Price: $32.00
Planters of Colonial Virginia by Wertenbaker, Thomas J., Duk... ISBN: 9781613930663 List Price: $28.00
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant by Grant, Ulysses S., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930670 List Price: $40.00
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - Volume II by Grant, Ulysses S., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930724 List Price: $26.50
Government of the Colony of South Carolina by Whitney, Edson L., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930700 List Price: $16.00
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - Volume I by Grant, Ulysses S., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930717 List Price: $22.50
Railroad Builders : A Chronicle of the Welding of the States by Moody, John, Duke, Jessica,... ISBN: 9781613930748 List Price: $17.00
Discovery of the Yosemite and the Indian War of 1851, Which Led to That Event by Bunnell, Lafayette Houghton... ISBN: 9781613930472 List Price: $21.00
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